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Kharcho (beef soup)

Kharcho is beef and rice soup from Western Georgia. You will find many variations of Kharcho soup - this recipe is without walnuts and plum puree (tkemali). 


Stew meet – 400 g

3 Onions

4 tablespoons of rice

Tomatoes – 500 g

Garlic – 1 clove

Parsley, dill, coriander

1 Bay Leaf



1. In a large saucepan bring water to the boil, and put the whole piece of beef in it. Boil for a couple of hours until you get broth.

2. Take beef out of the broth, remove all bones, and cut into pieces.

3. Saute chopped onions in oil and add meat. Peel tomatos, cut into small cubes and add to the onions and meat.

4. Add the vegetables and meat back into the broth, add a bay leaf and rice. Cover and simmer until rice is tender and rice is tender.

5. Add garlic, parsley, dill and coriander. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 

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